
© Larisa Lofitskaya
What I do I proofread your document thoroughly and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax. I point out any inconsistencies in content, layout or style. If required, I can make suggestions that will enhance the clarity and readability of the text. I can proofread 'blind' (straight read) or against copy. On-screen I correct and mark up Word documents using Microsoft Word Track Changes. I may also offer suggestions and advice using the comment boxes. Track Changes gives you the option to accept or reject each individual correction/suggestion. If you are not sure how to use Track Changes, I can explain. It's easy! You can email your Word document to me as an attachment. I can also correct and annotate PDF page proofs using the highlight and comment tools. You can email your document to me as a PDF attachment. Students – it is your responsibility to check your academic institution's policy regarding proofreading. You need to have permission from your tutor to have your work proofread professionally. I check for errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax. I do not undertake any rewriting, although I may point out where you need to do this if the meaning is not clear. See here for my Terms and Conditions for Students.